Lawsuit: Chunk of Ice From Plane Smashes Through Roof of California Home

Amnon Free Press Partner Content

LOS ANGELES—A California couple is suing JetBlue after narrowly escaping being crushed when a watermelon-size block of ice allegedly fell from a commercial airliner and smashed through the roof of their Inglewood home, landing inches away from their bed, according to court papers obtained Tuesday.
The ice chunk allegedly fell around 8 p.m. on Jan. 1, 2024, from a JetBlue Airbus traveling from New York City’s JFK International Airport to LAX, forcing the couple to move for fear of a repeat incident, according to the complaint filed in L.A. federal court.
After the near-miss, homeowners Michael Reese and Leah Ferrarini would “cringe in fear with each plane that passed over their home which is approximately one every five minutes,” the complaint alleges. It contends the pair can “no longer sleep comfortably … without thinking of the incident.”…